"Family is the key to Success"
Family promotes a Safe Place.
It gives the freedom to dream dreams and set goals.

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful."

Psalms 16:5-6, "The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintainest my lot. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage."

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Thinking about final expenses is not easy.
Probably not the most exciting topic in your daily life but STOP! and consider:
The average funeral today costs over $6,000, not including any additional costs for medical bills or outstanding debts.
(Source: Funerals: A Consumer Guide, Federal Trade Commission, www.ftc.gov)

How will your bills and funeral expenses be paid?
Who will pay for any hospital or outstanding medical bills?
Could your family afford to pay for these bills without sacrificing their retirement or other savings?

Why not give your family the gift of a plan - purchase life insurance to help protect your family from having to spend
their hard-earned savings on your final expenses. It can be surprisingly affordable and can help provide you with the comfort and security in knowing that you may not leave them with a financial burden.




The Statistics:
A 40-year-old man is 2.7 times more likely to suffer a
long-term disability than to die before age 65.*
Tipping points that put homeowners in foreclosure**:
32% experience a job loss
25% experience a health crisis

If you died, would your family have enough money to pay off
the mortgage?
If you were unable to work for an extended period of time, would your
family have enough money to pay the mortgage each month?
If you lost your job, would

The Statistics: No one likes to think about it, but the
likelihood of someone dying before paying off a 30-year
mortgage is:
At age 30: 1 out of 10
At age 35: 1 out of 7
At age 40: 1 out of 4
At age 45: 1 out of 3
At age 50: 1 out of 2

We have a product that will provide you and your family with mortgage protection and a lot more
Helps pay your mortgage at death
Provides extra money if you become disabled
Provides cash when critically ill
Valuable Options* available -
*Protects Your Coverage if Unemployed or Disabled
Coverage for your Spouse and Children
Accidental death coverage

Receive your money back if you never use the coverage.


Monday, March 8, 2010


Critical illness strikes up to 20% of men and 17% women before age 65.
These statistics show that critical illness, not death is the biggest odds facing the average person.

There’s a plethora of policies to choose from so finding The One that’s right for you is imperative.
Fortunately, all insurance companies have “key features” making  comparison easier.
“Key Features”  determine which definitions of illnesses covered are the best value for your money. It’s vital to understand what is and isn’t covered.

The cheapest rate may sound good to you now but will it pay for your specific illness later?

Choose a policy that provides a guaranteed premium. This means that the company will never change your rate. Pay attention to options that fit your needs. Some policies provide protection for other family members, including young children. Critical illness is no respecter of youth.
Childrens’ critical illness claims are the sixth most common claim.

Sometime critical illness coverage can be picked up as a rider on a life, health or disability income, instead of buying one or the other. Purchasing the several coverages together is cheaper than buying separate policies.

Remember the words of Benjamin Franklin “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” and don’t delay - rates are never lower than when you are young and healthy.

(This is not the cheapest nor most comprehensive of our plans)