"Family is the key to Success"
Family promotes a Safe Place.
It gives the freedom to dream dreams and set goals.

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful."

Psalms 16:5-6, "The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintainest my lot. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage."


Simplified DI Calculator/

Most know that the acronym "D.I.Y." represents "Do-it-Yourself" and sometimes that is a great way to save money.  But there are situations in life that can be hard to overcome on your own merits and limited resources.

Two things are inevitable:  you're born, you die.  All else in-be-tween is "life".

Most responsible people safeguard what's important to them.

You have real estate, you protect it.  There's an "app" for that -homeowners policy.

You own a vehicle, you protect it from damage and your finances from lawsuits.  There's an "app" for that -auto policy.

If you have a family that relies on you, that "vehicle" can be protected.
Yep, there's an "app" for that -life policy.

But what about your "money-making machine" if you get
hurt or sick?
There's an "app" for that - DI (disability income) policy.

Why D.I.Y.?  There's only one way to guarantee an income if sick or injured.

And really isn't that what it's all about ?  Being able to live YOUR life.

Need more convincing?

Take a moment to watch this very brief video by inspirational speaker and author, Mike Nolte, who in 2003 suffered third-degree burns when his parked car was hit from behind by a truck and exploded.

Mike credits disability insurance with enabling him to recover from his life-threatening injuries and shared his story with television and radio stations around the country to motivate more Americans to take action and assess their coverage needs.